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Online Gaming And Gambling Laws And Regulations In India. Indian population is very enthusiastic about sports and sports related activities. Indian sports has got a boost in the form of online gaming that has transformed physical sports into virtual sports, e games, e sports, online games, fantasy sports, etc. As on date we have no dedicated online gaming and online gambling laws in India. Similarly, we have no dedicated fantasy sports law in India till now. TOTAL Solutions, TOTAL commitment, TOTALPACK. Wholesale air cargo, packaging and warehouse supplies ADHESIVE TAPE FOR PACKAGING. AIR CARGO STRAPS. PRINTED TAPES AND. CoolROM. coms C64 ROMs section. Browse Top ROMs or By Letter. Mobile optimized. ICT IN AGRICULTURE. SOURCEBOOK. ICT IN AGRICULTURE Connecting Smallholders to Knowledge, Networks, and Institutions. A G R I C U L T U R E. A N D. R U R A L. This is in line with the exiting game laws like online poker, online rummy, online lotteries, etc that are still not governed by any dedicated Indian law. The result is inevitable i. Latest India StockShare Market News, NSE, BSE, Global Market, Sensex Nifty. Live Business News headlines on IPO, StockShare tips, Personal Finance, Budget, Tax. Fidget Spinner is a toy. Small child is used for entertainment purpose. Online Gaming And Gambling Laws And Regulations In India ESports And EGaming Laws And Regulations In India, Internet Games Laws And Regulations In India And Online. Introduction Nifty Robot Automated System Nifty Robot is a realtime application which will give buy and sell recommendation on Nifty based on various market. Investigations by the Income Tax department indicate that the sudden spike in the prices of particular pulses in 2015 was a consequence of the formation of. India are in limbo and legal troubles. We at Perry. 4Law Law Firm are frequently approached regarding legality of online games and fantasy sportsgames in India. For the larger interest of gaming community of India, we are providing a basic guideline about legality of running and playing online fantasy sports and games in India. Please note this this is not a legal consultancy and interested stakeholders must con cult a lawyers or law firm of their own choice. Of course, if you wish you can also establish a client attorney relationship with Perry. Law and seek our techno legal online gaming service. Before discussing about legality of fantasy sports it is pertinent to know a little about it. Dabba Trading Software' title='Dabba Trading Software' />Toggle navigation ZX Spectrum Reviews. Magazines. Crash Your Sinclair Your Spectrum Sinclair User CVG Ace Crash Smashes. Briefly speaking, a fantasy sport is an online game that involves selection of and competition among virtual teams for points. These points can be redeemed in multiple ways and money or cash is one of them. However, when cash for stakes is involved, a fantasy game or sport is required to comply with additional techno legal compliances. The present trends among fantasy sports stakeholders in India is to apply the tests of traditional rummy to online poker, online rummy and fantasy sports. However, this is a wrong approach. At Perry. 4Law we strongly recommend that online poker, online rummy, online lotteries, fantasy sports, etc require customised and separate treatment than simply applying the skills v chance criteria. Even the central government and Supreme Court of India are cautious about these issues and they have deliberately refrained from commenting upon the legalities of online games in India. Without going into much details, it is sufficient to say that relying solely upon skills v chance criteria for running online poker, online rummy, fantasy sports, etc would be a big mistake and a sure recipe of attracting legal sanctions in India. In United States the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2. UIGEA generally prohibits funds transfers to businesses engaged in unlawful internet wagering. While UIGEA does not impact the legality of any particular activity permitted or prohibited under other laws, it does contain some express exemptions to its funds transfer prohibitions. One of these exemptions from the UIGEA prohibitions is for fantasy sports that meet certain criteria. This means that fantasy sports that are based on teams of real multiple athletes from multiple real world teams, that have prizes established before the event starts, that use the skill of participants to determine the outcome, are exempted from the definition of a bet or wager that is the basis for requiring banks to identify and block funds transfers. However, this exemption does not mean that fantasy sports is permitted or legal in US. All the UIGEA has done is creating an exemption in favour of some categories of fantasy sports. UIGEA has specifically mentioned that no provision of the applicable subchapter shall be construed as altering, limiting, or extending any Federal or State law or Tribal State compact prohibiting, permitting, or regulating gambling within the United States. Since UIGEA is not a criminal gambling statute and it specifically does not alter any criminal gambling laws thus UIGEA does not make fantasy sports legal in US. Federal criminal gambling statutes are found in Title 1. U. S. Code, such as the Federal Wire Act 1. U. S. Code 1. 08. Illegal Gambling Business Act 1. U. S. Code 1. 95. As far as India is concerned, there is no clear regulatory framework that can be looked upon to decide legality or illegality of online poker, online rummy, online card games, fantasy sports, etc. However, there are some very complicated techno legal compliances that are required to be complied with to clear an online gaming or fantasy sports website from legal troubles. Unfortunately, online gaming and fantasy sports websites in India are not complying with these techno legal requirements and they are on the wrong side of Indian laws. Recently the Indian government has clarified about the Foreign Direct Investment FDI in E Commerce Sector of India. As per the Consolidated FDI Policy Circular 2. FDI Policy, FDI is prohibited in lottery business including Governmentprivate lottery, online lotteries, etc and gambling and betting including casinos etc. Recently the Crime Investigation Department CID of the Andhra Pradesh police had sought a ban on the website of Playwin which had allegedly been selling online lotteries banned in the state. As on date, online gaming, online gambling and lotteries websites are not complying with the internet intermediary compliances and cyber law due diligence pdf requirements prescribed under the Information Technology Act 2. Similarly, almost all of the online poker websites in India are violating one or other laws of India. Although online gaming market in India is booming yet regulatory compliances cannot be ignored. It seems online gaming and online gambling industry of India is not considering regulations while conducting their businesses in India. Perry. 4Law conducted a techno legal audit of various fantasy sports websites operating in India and we found the same problems with them as have been discussed above. Almost all of these fantasy sports websites have used a single cut copy paste criteria when it comes to techno legal compliances and drafting of legal documents of the websites. Clearly, these online fantasy sports websites are violating the laws of India and they may be prosecuted very soon. Those using mobile applications can also be prosecuted if they fail to comply with techno legal regulatory norms of India. Even the banks, payment gateways and online payment merchants, mobile payment vendors, etc supporting these online poker, online rummy, online card games and fantasy sports websites can be held liable for not following cyber law due diligence norms as they have blindly approved online payment option to these illegal and law breaking websites. These banks and payment gateways can also be held liable for money laundering, FEMA violations and assisting in tax evasion. If such banks, payment gateways and online payment merchants have already approved such illegal and law breaking online poker, online rummy, online games and fantasy sports websites in India, it is in their own interest to cancel such approval immediately. The banks etc must ask them to first comply with applicable techno legal compliances and then support their claims with a proper techno legal consultancy from a reputed law firm. If you need a techno legal compliance and legal consultancy from Perry. Law for your online games or fantasy sports, please establish a client attorney relationship so that we can start working upon your project. Perry. 4Law wishes all the best to all gaming stakeholders and entrepreneurs. Phishing Scams in India and Legal Provisions. If youre new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting The media runs stories on an almost daily basis covering the latest bank to have their customers targeted and how many victims succumbed to the attack. It may be you too. Suppose, one day you open your email, and found a weird looking mail, something phisy A message in your inbox from your bank with which you have an internet enabled account asking to update your account with your personal information, login detail etc. You would also see a link, by clicking on which you would be linked to a look alike website of your bank which looks quite authentic and convincing. However, you may be smart enough to know that this is a trap by a con to get your vital personal information to make fraudulent financial transactions and swindle your money. But there are many others who are not as smart as you, and fall into the trap and pass on their vital login details and lose their valuable money. Phishing is the internet age crime, born out of the technological advances in internet age. Phishing is a newer form of social engineering. Typically, Phishing is a form of social engineering, characterized by attempts to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as passwords, usernames, login IDs, ATM PINs and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy person or business in an apparently official electronic communication, such as an email or an instant message. The phishing attacks will then direct the recipient to a web page mirror webpage so exactly designed to look as a impersonated organizations often bank financial institution own website and then they cleverly harvest the users personal information, often leaving the victim unaware of the attack. Phishing has become so rampant that even, the Oxford English Dictionary added Phishing to its latest publication making it a definitive word of English Language. It defines Phishing as phishing noun the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers, online. As per the American Bankers Association Phishing attacks use spoofed e mails and fraudulent Web sites designed to fool recipients into divulging personal financial data such as credit card numbers, account usernames and passwords, Social Security numbers, etc. By hijacking the trusted brands of well known banks, online retailers and credit card companies, phishers are able to convince up to 5 percent of recipients to respond to them. The Anti Phishing Working Group APWG which is an industry association focused on eliminating identity theft and fraud from the growing problem of phishing and email spoofing defines Phishing as a form of online identity theft that employs both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers personal identity data and financial account credentials. According to the Annual Report of the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team CERT In, Deptt. Information Technology, Ministry of Communications Information Technology, Govt. India in the year 2. CERT In handled about 3. Major factors for increase in Phishing Attacks There are three major factors behind the recent spurt in phishing attacks worldwide particularly in India Unawareness among public Worldwide, particularly in India, there has been lack of awareness regarding the phishing attacks among the common masses. The users are unaware that their personal information is actively being targeted by criminals and they do not take proper precautions when they conduct online activities. Unawareness of policy The fraudsters often count on victims unawareness of Bankfinancial institution policies and procedures for contacting customers, particularly for issues relating to account maintenance and fraud investigation. Customers unaware of the policies of an online transaction are likely to be more susceptible to the social engineering aspect of a phishing scam, regardless of technical sophistication. Technical sophistication Fraudsters are now using advanced technology that has been successfully used for activities such as spam, distributed denial of service DDo. S, and electronic surveillance. Even as customers are becoming aware of phishing, criminals are developing techniques to counter this awareness. These techniques include URL obfuscation to make phishing emails and web sites appear more legitimate, and exploitation of vulnerabilities in web browsers that allow the download and execution of malicious code from a hostile web site. Techniques of Phishing attacks. Man in the middle attacks In this class of attack, the attacker sits between the customer and the real web based application, and proxies all communications between the systems. This form of attack is successful for both HTTP and HTTPS communications. The customer connects to the attackers server as if it was the real site, while the attackers server makes a simultaneous connection to the real site. The attackers server then proxies all communications between the customer and the real web based application server typically in real time. Garmin City Navigator North America 2014 Free Download. URL Obfuscation Attacks Using URL obfuscation techniques which involves minor changes to the URL, the fraudster tricks the user to follow a hyperlink URL to the attackers server, without the users realizing that he has been duped. URL Obfuscation uses the unspoken, unwritten secrets of the TCPIP protocol to trick users into viewing a website that they did not intend to visit. XSS Cross site Scripting Cross site scripting attacks XSS make use of custom URL or code injection into a valid web based application URL or imbedded data field. In general, these XSS techniques are the result of failure of a site to validate user input before returning it to the clients web browser. Phishing scenario in XSS Victim logs into a web siteAttacker has spread mines using an XSS vulnerabilityVictim fall upon an XSS mineVictim gets a message saying that their session has terminated, and they have to to authenticate againVictims username and password are send to attacker. Some cases of phishing in India Phishing is a relatively new concept in India, unheard of couple of years back but recently there has been rise in the number of phishing cases in India where the innocent public fall prey to the sinister design of fraudster. In India, the most common form of phishing is by email pretending to be from a bank, where the sinister asks to confirm your personal informationlogin detail for some made up reason like bank is going to upgrade its server. Needless to say, the email contains a link to fake website that looks exactly like the genuine site. The gullible customers thinking that it is from the bank, enter the information asked for and send it into the hands of identity thieves. There were phishing attempts over ICICI Bank, UTI Bank, HDFC Bank, SBI etc. Modus operandi was similar. It was reported that a large number of customers of these banks had received emails, which have falsely been misrepresented to have been originated from their bank. The recipients of the mails were told to update their bank account information on some pretext.