Stronghold 2 Patch Updates

For your security, if youre on a public computer and have finished using your Red Hat services, please be sure to log out. Log Out. Bioware published a statement regarding the Umbara Stronghold exploit, which will be fixed in a patch tomrorow. Battle to rule the galaxy in Star Wars The Old Republic Knights of the Eternal Throne, a bold new digital expansion from BioWare. SWTOR Yavin Temple Stronghold Guide. Patch 3. 3 SWTORDulfy. Jul 2. 2, 2. 01. 5SWTOR Yavin Temple Stronghold guide and walkthrough. For a more detailed guide check out Tor Decoratings page. For imagesmapshooks info check out Tor Decoratings page on the Yavin Stronghold. Video Walkthrough. Stronghold 2 Patch Updates Lol' title='Stronghold 2 Patch Updates Lol' />There is a secret cave located in the Temple Grounds. To enter it, look for a big statue head in the back of the Temple Grounds. The cavern is massive and amazing check the video walkthrough. Also check out the watchtower at the back of the Temple Grounds as well, the top can be decorated As reader Zemerick pointed out below, you can pull out your macrobinoculars and scan 3 of the temples for Massassi War part 1 3 codex entries. Timestamps of each room. General Info and Unlocking Costs. Default Hooks 2. Max Hooks 7. Personal Stronghold Unlock Prices. Room Room Name. Credits. Cartel Coins. Decorations. Occupancy. 0Initial Purchase. CC2. 50. 10. 1Temple Room 1. CC5. 05. 2Temple Room 2. CC5. 05. 3Upper Stairwell. CC2. 55. 4Lower Stairwell. CC 2. 55. 5Temple Basement. CC2. 55. 6Temple Balcony. CC2. 55. 7Temple Grounds. CC2. 001. 08. Sanctuary 1. CC5. 05. 9Sanctuary 2. CC5. 05. Total. CC7. Guild Stronghold Unlock Prices. Room Room Name. Credits. Cartel Coins. Decorations. Occupancy. 0Initial Purchase. Temple Room 1. 2 mil 5. Temple Room 2. 2. Upper Stairwell. 90. Lower Stairwell. 90. Stronghold 2 Patch Updates Wow' title='Stronghold 2 Patch Updates Wow' />Subscribe to the Rockstar Mailing List Welcome to the Rockstar Games Subscription Management page. Rockstar mailing lists are the best way to get the early word on. Playstation .Cue File here. Changes to the SPG vehicle type. Added the option of inviting an SPG to the Platoon with a limitation of one SPG per Platoon. Added convenient display of the allied. Temple Basement. 3. Temple Balcony. 3 mil 2. Ds Max Design 2010 there. Stronghold 2 Patch Updates For Wow' title='Stronghold 2 Patch Updates For Wow' />Temple Grounds. Sanctuary 1. 3. 1. Sanctuary 2. 3. 1. Total 4. 2 mil 7. Game updates Rune. Scape Wiki. Wikia is a free to use site that makes money from advertising. We have a modified experience for viewers using ad blockersWikia is not accessible if youve made further modifications. Remove the custom ad blocker rules and the page will load as expected.